Game Papers
Game Papers present original work from creative and technical communities that design and develop commercial and non-commercial video games, and from academic research communities that study video games, game play, human-computer interaction, learning, and related technologies. Game Papers explore key issues in video games, inform and substantively advance our current state of knowledge and understanding, and foster new areas for investigation that will drive the next generation of player experience.
Game Papers on a wide range of video game design and development topics (theory, practice, methodologies, and criticism) are presented by authors whose papers are selected in a thorough and rigorous review process to ensure that they represent significant contributions to game design and development.
Richard Wainess
SIGGRAPH 2010 Game Papers Chair
Game Design
Lars Doucet, Vinod Srinivasan
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Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
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Henry Been-Lirn Duh, Sharon Lynn Chu Yew Yee, Vivian Hsueh-Hua Chen, Yuanxun Gu
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Erik Henry Vick, Rudy McDaniel, Stephen Jacobs
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The Player Experience
Chang Yun, Philip Trevino, William Holtkamp, Zhigang Deng
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Ricardo Nakamura, Lucas L. M. Lago, Alexandre B. Carneiro, Anderson J. C. Cunha, Fábio J. M. Ortega, Jo√£o L. Bernardes Jr., Romero Tori
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Anders Drachen, Georgios Yannakakis, Lennart E. Nacke, Anja Lee Pedersen
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Biometrics and Physical Controllers
Anthony Whitehead, Hannah Johnston, Nicole Nixon, Jo Welch
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Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, Frank Vetere, Martin R. Gibbs, Stefan Agamanolis, Jennifer Sheridan
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